Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Range Sessions

I have had a couple more range sessions since my last update and all I can say is that truly hitting down on the ball is a great feeling. The height, speed and distance at which the ball comes flying off the face is impressive to say the least. Now that I know the feeling my goal is to have every shot be like that. If you cannot tell, I am excited about where my golf game is headed. I will keep you posted!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ttour Striker Week 3 Update

I have been using my Tour Striker Pro 7 iron for three weeks now. I wish I had more time to dedicate at the range to it, but winter weather and work have been getting in the way. I have been using it long enough to tell that my swing and impact position have been improving. I need to start dedicating more time to only using the tour striker. I still warm up with my normal irons before taking my tour striker out of the bag to avoid looking like a fool.

I still hit quite a few dribblers and grounders with the tour striker, but I do have streaks of quite a few great impacts in a row. My goal, which should be everyone's goal, is to consistently hit high piercing iron shots with this training aid.

If you aren't familiar with the tour striker look at the image above and it will be clear why it is tough to consistently hit decent shots with it - especially for the average golfer. This blog has a great Tour Striker review and show images of all of the different models. I use the Pro 7 Iron which is a good middle of the road club to start with.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I just happened across a great review of the tour striker and the various models available here. Be sure to check it out. You can easily see the differences between the models. There are great pictures of both the face and the toe which make it competely clear how small the sweet spot it on the Pro 7 X iron compared to the 8 iron. Check out the full guide on